Hey there, tech enthusiasts and business problem solvers! I’m about to take you on a journey that’s got me excited for the future of Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform.

The Old Ways: A Trip Down Memory Lane

Let’s rewind a bit. Remember the “good old days” of building business applications? If you’ve been in the game as long as I have, you’ll recall the pain points:

  1. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Gymnastics: Hours spent crafting CREATE TABLE statements, where one typo meant starting over.
  2. Dynamics 365 Configuration Marathon: Navigating endless menus to create tables one at a time, setting up relationships like a game of database Jenga.
  3. The Integration Nightmare: Wrestling with SDKs and custom plugins to integrate external data.
  4. Documentation Headaches: Creating separate ERD diagrams in Visio after all that work.

The New Frontier: ERD View and Copilot

Now, Microsoft has dropped a game-changer that’s about to make a lot of people very comfortable with something that used to be pretty daunting. And that’s a good thing!

  1. Visual Data Modeling: It’s like going from assembly code to a high-level programming language. You can see your entire data model at a glance, relationships and all.
  2. AI-Powered Schema Generation: Copilot is like having a senior database architect at your beck and call. Describe your model in plain English, and it generates the schema for you.
  3. Intelligent Data Import: Copilot analyzes your Excel or SharePoint data and suggests appropriate structures and relationships.
  4. Dynamic Relationship Management: Creating relationships between tables is now as simple as dragging a line. No more SQL JOIN statements!

Why This is a Big Deal

  1. Visual Learning FTW: Not everyone thinks in code. This ERD view lets you see your data model like a map. It’s like going from written directions to Google Maps.
  2. Copilot: Your AI Sidekick: Need sample data? Bam! Want to create a new column? Boom! It’s like coding with autocomplete on steroids.
  3. From Excel to ERD in Seconds: Turn that monster Excel sheet into a proper database with drag-and-drop simplicity.
  4. Rapid Prototyping: What used to take weeks can now be done in hours. Iterate quickly without the overhead of traditional database design.
  5. Lowered Technical Barrier: A sales manager who understands the business process can now contribute directly to the data model design without needing to learn T-SQL.

Democratizing Software Development

Here’s why I’m really excited: it’s lowering the barrier to entry for creating powerful business apps. You don’t need to be a coding wizard to create a multi-table data model anymore. Got an idea? Describe it in plain English, and let Copilot do the heavy lifting.

This is huge for small businesses, startups, and anyone with a great idea but limited tech skills. It’s like we’re democratizing software development, and I am here for it!

The Future of Problem Solving

Imagine a world where anyone in your organization can turn their industry expertise into a working app. Your sales team could create a custom CRM tailored exactly to your business. Your HR folks could whip up an employee management system that fits like a glove.

Real-World Impact

Let me paint you a picture. In the past, if a client came to me wanting a custom solution in Dynamics 365, we’d be looking at weeks of requirements gathering, database design, and implementation. Now? We can sit down together, describe the system, and have a working data model in a single session. It’s not just faster – it’s a completely different way of working.

Embracing the Change

This new ERD view isn’t just an incremental improvement – it’s a quantum leap in how we approach data modeling in the Microsoft ecosystem. It’s democratizing a skill that used to require years of experience and technical knowledge.


This ERD view in Power Apps is more than just a cool feature. It’s a glimpse into a future where technology adapts to how we think, not the other way around. It’s about making powerful tools accessible to everyone, regardless of their coding skills.

So, my challenge to you? Go try it out. Play with it. See what you can create. Push its limits. See how it can transform your development process. Who knows? The next big app that revolutionizes your industry might be just a few drag-and-drops away.

Go forth and visually model that data! Your future self (and your clients) will thank you.

Announcement link: Work with complex data models in an ERD view assisted by Copilot – Microsoft Power Platform Blog