I have the worst reception in my apartment complex – I literally cannot complete a call without going outside of the building. This is very frustrating.

I am so sick of dropped calls – now there is something to do about it!

With the most recent iOS 9.3 update – a newly added feature of Wi-Fi calling has come to the rescue.

Disclaimer: I can only speak for Verizon iOS devices – I am not sure if this works with other carriers.

Here is a tutorial to get cracking with Wi-Fi calling on your device:

  1. Navigate to the settings on your phone


  2. Click on the Phone Icon under settingsIMG_4907

  3. Under Calls – click Wi-Fi Calling – it should currently be set to ‘Off’IMG_4908

  4. Click the toggle on the right hand side of the screen beside ‘Wi-Fi Calling on This Phone’

  5. You should be prompted with a pop up -Click EnableIMG_4903

  6. Put in your information here – this is so you can be located by your cell phone if you call 9/11. If you are a conspiracy nut – I cannot help you here – I will gladly hand over my address to get Wi-Fi calling – but that is me. IMG_4905

  7. Once you fill this out click Continue.

  8. Wait a few moments and you should now see VZM Wi-Fi at the top right of your screen. IMG_4909

  9. You now can call over Wi-Fi – no more dropped calls!