Hello, I am Kody Wildfeuer. Welcome to my humble abode on the internet.

My last name is nearly impossible to pronounce correctly on the first try. I love to hear the different variations of mispronunciations – wildfever, wildflower, and wildebeeferer are some of my favorites.

Wildfeuer is German for wildfire.

I work at Microsoft on the Business Applications Specialist team as a Sr. Technical Solution architect specializing in Copilot and AI Agents. I love to help solve problems.

I have previously worked as a FastTrack Solution Architect and technology delivery consultant at Microsoft (MCS) and alphabold. I have also worked at Polaris Industries as a developer.

I am driven by the potential of this field. I always daydream about the future. What will the world look like ten years from now!?

I hope it involves hover boards and calculators that can kung fu.

I enjoy reading, the outdoors, and exploring.

I also enjoy the company of my family outside of work.

Thank you for taking the time to visit the site.

Have a good day!

P.S. The views and opinions expressed throughout this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of my employer.